



主題曲旋律簡單,孩子們容易琅琅上口,還有eBook也很有趣,先中文再英文的設計,我五歲的孩子聽了幾次,就會跟著說「In a hurry」,他沒學過英文哦。(琇玥,會計)















以前我看過美廉阿姨畫的東西,但是在「上帝寶貝」這本書裡,我才知道她有多辛苦,她小時候沒有朋友,只有大樹是她的朋友,好可憐哦。以後我要對殘障的小朋友好一點,因為他們也需要朋友,而且他們也是上帝的寶貝,上帝愛他們。 (鄭夷,十歲)



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I wish I were Penelope Pig
Everyday I ask my mom to play with me, but she always tells me to wait. When she finally has some free time, she then says: "Go to bed!" I really wish I were Penelope Pig. I also wish my dad and mom would discover that I can do a lot of things! (Yu-An, third grader)

If she ever had the change to read the book
When my daughter was little, the neighbors used to call her: "ET." Not taking it seriously, I thought: "Never mind. The ugly duckling will someday transform into a swan." However, I neglected her feelings. She's now 18, obsessed with wearing the most fashionable and most beautiful outfits, and she's afraid that people will think of her as "out-dated." I wish she had the chance to read Grandmother's Eyes when she was still a little girl. This book would let her know what's really important, yet it seems too late now. (Mrs. Huang, housewife)

Only when you have a companion will you have a good time
I had the same experience as Jimmy in The Secrets of the Seafood Cream Soup. I once had a cool bike and I didn't want to lend it to others. However, one time I happened to ride with my classmate—he gave me a ride and later I gave him one. It was so much fun! Only when you have a companion do you have a good time! (Han-Juan, fifth grader)

A wonderful book about the good side of human nature
The book Grandmother's Eyes talks about inner beauty. Some people ask me: "Can seven or eight-year-old children understand the concept? Wouldn't it be too difficult?" In my opinion, it's a positive book emphasizing the good side of human nature. If the book can provoke children's questions and interest, then they will have a good chance to learn. (Teacher Ma)

Children pick up the songs easily
The simple melody of the theme song helps children pick it up easily. The design of the e-book, in which you see Chinese first and then English, is also interesting. My five-year-old child was able to say "in a hurry" after listening for a few times. He hadn't learned any other English yet. (Xiu-Yue, accountant)

Facing Tomorrow with a Smile
"I was deeply moved by reading this series."
I often buy foreign books for my children and I've noticed that most quality children's books are either translated or rewritten and re-illustrated. After my kids read foreign children's literature, Chinese folk tales, and children's knowledge treasuries, I was hit with a question: Can reading be more than entertainment for my kids? Can it also help them form personal character and high moral values, or develop skills for managing their emotions?
I'm really happy I discovered this series of books. The everyday topics in each story are wrapped in well-written stories and simple but warm illustrations. These things and the activities at the end of each story give the feeling that this isn't just another product—it is a demonstration of the publisher's good will and commitment to society.
The society we live in steals the innocence of youth early on. We teach our children to protect themselves and keep a wary eye. We don't dare to teach them compassion, kindness and forgiveness for fear that they might be cheated or taken advantage of. However, this very protection leaves children unhappy because they are unable to accept themselves and others. That unhappiness gets carried with them into adulthood.
I hope these books become a seed or a spark in the early reading experience of many children—that it will lead them to hope and believe in all that is good and right in the world. Who knows, maybe many years later, they will hear again these stories and melodies and bring a small smile to their face. (A mother)

"Don't be upset that you can't go to the beach."
Willy's Vacation is my favorite. Auntie Li makes delicious tea eggs and the beaver is great! He knows how to run fast and hide from the wolf. I hope I can be like Willy and have a good attitude even if I don't get to go to the beach. (Rong-rong, 8 years old)

"Life lessons for siblings"
When I read Sarah to a second grade class at Da-Zhi Elementary School, I was afraid they might find it too childish, but when I was finished, the students nearly exploded with complaints about their own little brothers and sisters:
"He's such a pain! He follows me wherever I go!"
"Mom always makes me let him go first, but he's already in kindergarten!"
"It would be great if I didn't have a brother. There wouldn't be anyone to take my toys!"
Wow! There really is an eternal battle between older and younger siblings!
The next day, the teacher took time to talk with the class about their younger siblings and see their positive sides as well.
The teacher had this to say about Sarah. "This book isn't too childish at all. At least it helps older children see their own relationships with younger brothers and sisters more clearly." (School Story Reader)

"May Huang is great!"
I had seen Auntie Huang's paintings before, but in God's Precious One I discovered how hard her life had been. When she was a child she didn't have any friends. Her only friend was a tree. That's so sad! I want to treat handicapped kids better in the future because they need friends too. Besides, they are God's precious ones and God loves them, too. (Yi Cheng, 10 years old)

Better than I expected
I'm a pastor's wife. When a member of our congregation gave me a "Little Builders" talking book set I thought it was just a children's English reader. However, as I flipped through it, I immediately fell in love with it and ran out to Eslite and bought a set for myself right away. I'm sure church kids will love the audio, the video and the stories, but more importantly, they will benefit from what the stories teach them. (Mrs. Dong)

Original and Genuine
I think the best thing about this series is that it is "original." All the stories belong to the experiences of real, Taiwanese children, so kids can easily identify with them. In my experience as a teacher, I have found that this is very important. If students think, "this is fake," their acceptance level is likely to be lower. Out of all the books, I was most touched by "Amy's Discovery" because I have taught hyperactive students. I know how difficult it can be both for them and their classmates. The teacher in "Amy's Discovery" shows a lot of wisdom and is an encouragement to me. (Ms. Hsu - A Teacher)