Sample Lesson
I Love Selfies
Ellen Lie

March 16

Read it!

  Alex loves to take selfies with his phone. He can take sad, silly* or serious pictures. Alex even has a selfie stick. He can take pictures from far* away using a timer or remote. The station website is hosting a contest to find the funniest selfie. Susie and Alex can take a selfie. Then they can share it with their fans*.


Conversation A

(in the studio)

Jim:      Hi, Alex. What are you doing?

Alex:     Oh, hi, Jim. I’m taking a selfie with my phone. See?

Jim:      Haha. That’s a funny picture.

Alex:     Selfies can be fun. I can take a picture of myself or together with my friends!

Jim:      Right. You can take different kinds of pictures, too.

Alex:     Yeah! I can take sad, silly* or even serious pictures. And I can take selfies with my phone or camera.


Conversation B

(in the Jungle Café)

Abby:   I love your new Facebook picture, Alex.

Alex:     Thanks, Abby. I used my new selfie stick.

Abby:   I’ve never used a selfie stick. Is it easy to use?

Alex:     Yeah! Just put the camera or phone here.

Abby:   But then the camera is so far* away! How do you take the picture?

Alex:     Many cameras have timers.

Abby:   Oh, OK.

Alex:     Or you can use a remote. Then, just smile and press the button!


Conversation C

(later in the Jungle Café)

Susie:   Haha. What a funny picture!

Alex:     What are you looking at, Susie?

Susie:   Hi, Alex. I’m looking at the pictures from fans* on our website. They're for our funniest selfie contest.

Alex:     I like that picture. But it’s too dark. A good selfie picture should have enough light.

Susie:   You’re right. Let’s take a selfie together.

Alex:     Yeah! Then we can show it to our fans.

Susie:   That’s a great idea!


Answer It!

1. What do many cameras have?

2. Do you like to take selfies? Why or why not?


Key Words

selfie (n)

Joe took a selfie with his friends.

silly (adj)

Be serious. Don’t be silly.

far (adv)

We live really far from the school.

website (n)

Studio Classroom is my favorite website.

contest (n)

I won the picture contest!

fan (n)

I’m a big fan of Dr. Doris Brougham.


More Information

selfie stick (n)

timer (n)


Grammar Point!

I’ve never  . . .

I’ve never won a contest.

I’ve never taken a selfie.

Write your own!

