Sample Lesson
Let's Play Baseball!
Simon Stopps

Read it!
Mark and Rob are getting ready to play baseball*. Their game is tomorrow. Jim wants to play, too. He can’t catch* very well, but that’s OK. This game is just for fun. Does Rob have everything they need? Yes. He has bats*, gloves* and a baseball. He has uniforms and baseball caps*, too. But that’s not all they need. They need practice.

Conversation A
(in the Jungle Café)
Jim: Hey, guys. What are you doing?
Mark: We’re getting ready for the baseball* game!
Jim: What baseball game?
Rob: Every year we play baseball against the Talk Time radio station.
Mark: And every year they win!
Rob: This year’s game is tomorrow.
Jim: Wow. Can I play, too?
Rob: Of course. Everyone at the station can play.
Mark: We need help if we want to win.

Conversation B
Rob: So you like baseball, Jim?
Jim: I love baseball, but I can’t catch* very well.
Rob: That’s OK. You don’t have to be really good to play. This game is just for fun.
Mark: Fun? Losing is not fun! We lose every year.
Rob: Oh, Mark. Be a good sport.
Mark: OK. Do you have a baseball glove*, Jim?
Jim: No, I don’t.
Mark: Then you can use this one.

Conversation C
Rob: OK. We’re all ready for the game tomorrow.
Mark: Are you sure?
Rob: Yes. I have baseball bats*, gloves and a baseball.
Jim: And you have uniforms! Wow. You even have baseball caps*!
Mark: That’s not all we need, though.
Jim: What else do we need?
Mark: We need practice.

Answer it!
1. Who can play in the baseball game?
2. What sports do you play? 
