Sample Lesson
We Want Ice Cream!
Ellen Lie

Read it!
The weather is hot today. What can Mark and Susie buy at the store? There are drinks in the refrigerator*. There are also ice cream cones and cups in the freezer*. Susie can put her ice cream in the kitchen freezer. Then it won’t melt. Rob likes ice cream, too. His friend makes ice cream from cream, sugar and salt*.

Conversation A
(in the store)
Susie: It’s so hot today!
Mark: I’m really hot, too. Let’s buy something cold.
Susie: What do they have?
Mark: They have juice and iced tea in the refrigerator*. There’s ice cream in the freezer*.
Susie: Let’s buy some ice cream.
Mark: OK. Do you want a cup or a cone?
Susie: I want a cup. A large cup.

Conversation B
(in the office)
Rob: What are you eating, Susie?
Susie: Hi, Rob. I’m eating ice cream. It’s so hot outside.
Rob: That’s a big cup of ice cream.
Susie: Yeah, it’s too big. I can’t finish it.
Rob: Put it in the freezer. Then the ice cream won’t melt.
Susie: Great idea. Then I can finish it later. 

Conversation C
Rob: Ice cream is a great summer treat.
Susie: It is! It’s my favorite summer treat.
Rob: My friend makes ice cream at home.
Susie: Really? Is it hard to make?
Rob: No, it’s not. You just need cream, sugar and salt*.
Susie: Does the ice cream taste good?
Rob: Yes. It tastes great.

Answer it!
1. Where can Susie put her ice cream?
2. What do you eat or drink on hot days? 
