Sample Lesson
I’m on TV!
Joanna Wuertz

Nov 5

Read it!

Mark, Megan and Rob like different kinds of TV shows. Rob likes dramas* with long stories*. Megan likes comedies. Mark watches* sports. Megan has an idea. They can make their own TV show! It can be a drama or a romance. They already* have cameras. They’re in a TV station!      

Conversation A
(in the Jungle Café)
Rob:     Do you guys watch* My Two Cute Babies?
Mark:    Sometimes, but I don’t watch it every week.
Megan: I don’t watch it. But it’s really popular. Everyone is talking about it.
Rob:     I watch it every week. I love that kind of show.
Megan: Do you mean dramas*?
Rob:     Yes. The story* is long. But I really like it!  

Conversation B
Mark:    I usually just watch sports. I watch a lot of games. But I also like sports shows.

Megan: Do you watch interviews with players?
Mark:    Yeah. I like to know more about them.
Rob:     Megan, what’s your favorite kind of TV show?
Megan: I don’t watch TV very often. But sometimes I watch comedies.
Rob:     I like comedies, too!

Conversation C
Megan: I have an idea. Let’s make a TV show.

Rob:     We already* make TV shows. This is a TV station.
Megan: No. We make TV shows about the news. Let's make a drama!
Rob:     Or maybe a romance?
Mark:    Yes! That’s a great idea!
Rob:     We can all be characters. This will be fun!

Answer it!
1. What kind of show does Mark like?

2. What kind of TV shows do you like?


Nov 6 – medium

Nov 6

Read it!
The actors are getting ready for their parts and putting on makeup. Rob learned his lines* already. He has an important role*. The story is about a princess*. Rob’s character even has a horse*! Mark is the director. His job is to say, “Cut!” and “Lights, camera, action*!”

Conversation A
Rob:     I’m excited about our show. Did you learn your lines*?

Susie:   I think so! But I don’t have very many.
Rob:     I practiced mine for two hours last night.
Susie:   That’s good. You have an important role*.
Rob:     I have a lot of lines!
Susie:   Pass me that box of makeup. I need to look good on camera!
Rob:     We both do! It’s almost time to start!

Conversation B
Rob:     The princess* is missing! We have to save her! Bring me my horse*!

Mark:    Cut! Your line is, “We must save her.” You said it wrong again.
Rob:     Sorry. I keep forgetting.
Mark:    OK, let’s start again. Lights, camera, action*!

Rob:     The princess is missing! We must save her! Bring me my horse!
Mark:    Cut!
Rob:     What now?!
Mark:    Susie is standing in the wrong place.

Conversation C
(in the Jungle Café)
Megan: Our show is really funny! Rob, you and Susie were great!

Mark:    It’s a romantic drama.
Rob:     We tried to be serious. But we couldn’t do it. Maybe it’s really a comedy.
Mark:    I was a bad director.
Rob:     No, you weren’t! You did a great job.
Megan: I like our show. We should make another one!
Mark:    Well, next time, Rob can be the director. I want to be an actor*!

Answer it!
1.  What did Rob practice last night?

2. Would you like to be an actor on TV? Why or why not?
