Hiking is a fun outdoor activity to do with friends or family. On a hiking trail, you can enjoy nature. You may see colorful flowers and birds. You might see wild animals such as deer, squirrels, snakes or even a bear! Many people like to hike mountain and river trails. They may hike a long way just to get to a cliff or waterfall. The scenery is always beautiful, so don’t forget to take pictures as you hike!
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What wild animals did James see on his hike?
Conversation A
(in the Jungle Café)
Sara: I saw some pictures on your Instagram of you and your friends hiking.
James: That hike was so much fun.
Sara: I can tell! Where did you guys go on your hike?
James: We went to Evergreen Mountain.
Sara: That’s a great choice! It’s nice to hike there this time of the year.
James: It was wonderful! The weather was nice. And of course, the scenery was beautiful.
Conversation B
Sara: Hiking is a great outdoor activity.
James: It is. Who doesn’t enjoy nature on hiking trails?
Sara: I enjoy seeing colorful flowers and birds as I hike.
James: I enjoy cliffs and waterfalls. Even if I have to hike a long way to get to them.
Sara: Did you see any wild animals on your hike?
James: Yes. I saw a few squirrels, a snake and a deer.
1. How did Sara know about James’ hike?
2. Do you like to hike? Why or why not?