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Simple Steps for Better Health
Useful tips from doctors and other health experts to keep you healthy

Ways to lose weight when the odds are seriously stacked against you

© 2015, Prevention magazine. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.


It’s easy to blame genetics, lack of sleep and a bunch of other scenarios seemingly out of your control for packing on the pounds. Clearly it’s not your fault, right? Not so fast. Sure, these obstacles can make weight loss harder, but experts say you can override them with the right approach. Here’s how to lose weight even when the odds seem stacked against you.


  1. You’re on meds that make you gain weight.

  Several types of anti-depressants, specifically Paxil and Zoloft, increase appetite, while others can cause you to feel lethargic by lowering your heart rate and making it harder to work out. Both can lead to eating more or moving less. Either way, you have choices, says Dana Simpler, an internist with Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore. If possible, “ask your doctor to replace your medication with one that doesn’t cause weight gain.” If your meds trigger cravings, keeping your blood sugar stable can help you combat them, says Amy Goodson, sports dietitian for the Texas Rangers. “Ideally try to eat five to six small meals a day with a whole grain and lean protein at every meal and snack.”


  1. You’re unable to exercise.

  Whether you’re recovering from an illness or injury or otherwise can’t get in a single minute of exercise, you can still lose weight, says Tom Holland, exercise physiologist and author of Beat the Gym. “Turn your situation into an opportunity to change your workout routine; maybe you could try a less strenuous workout. …” He adds: “Keep in mind that 80 percent of losing weight is about nutrition, so build better habits around your eating and focus on what you can control.”



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