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Five Ways to Empower the Next Generation of Adventurous Travelers
Tips on how to prepare the young ones to explore and experience the world

by Lynn O’Rourke Hayes / © 2017, The Dallas Morning News. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.


As you and your children begin to navigate the world together, sharing your knowledge while teaching them how to make their own way will create confident and compassionate travelers for the future. Here are five tips for empowering the next generation of explorers:


  1. Preparation breeds confidence

  Involve your kids in travel planning and decision-making from the earliest age possible. Show them maps, books, websites and pictures. Stoke their curiosity by discussing the nearby and faraway places you hope to visit. Consider introducing a few words in the native language of intended destinations. When you or other friends and family travel for business or pleasure, show your children their destinations on a map; share images and discuss geographic and cultural points of interest that will build their growing understanding of the world.



  1. Bestow responsibility

  Discuss the details of travel plans and encourage your children to create their own packing list early. Talk about the importance of having the right gear for an adventure trip or the proper attire for a city visit. Then, encourage them to pack their belongings to be checked and to carry on a flight or in the car. As soon as possible, give them responsibility for making sure their bag makes it from home to the car, train or plane. Discuss the importance of having proper identification inside and outside of their bags and retaining baggage tags once a bag is checked to your destination.



  1. On the move

  Chart a road trip using online mapping tools and share the information with the kids. If they are old enough, encourage them to create a [suggestions list] and to offer options for stops along the way.



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