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Increasing Your Employment Value
Good advice for creating a positive work atmosphere, and how to prepare for a promotion

The most coveted employee perk in 2019

by J.T. O’Donnell / © 2018, Mansueto Ventures, LLC. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.


Successful leaders with big visions of greatness for their organizations know they can’t go it alone. Which means making sure employees feel like the company cares about their happiness and well-beingespecially during times of extremely low unemployment, when it’s easy for your most talented employees to find a better job at another company. Here are three reasons why your company should focus on enhancing its work-life-balance benefits in 2019:


  1. Most companies still aren’t doing itwhich makes you more attractive as an employer

  Old-school managers are struggling to figure out how they can manage performance without tying it to the clock. If your definition of a good job is “butt in chair,” then it’s going to be hard to let go. Meanwhile, companies that have well-defined OKRs (Objectives and Key [Results]) have a much easier time trusting employees to get their work done, regardless of how much, or how little, time it takes them.


  1. Your employees will become talent magnets for your company

  Fact: Employees love to brag about their great work-life balance to friends and family. Want to have an easier time finding and hiring top talent? Creating an incredible work-life-balance program will save you thousands in recruiting costs. That’s because your employees will be walking employer-brand billboards for why the best people work at your company.


  1. Working smarter, not harder, is a sign of strength

  Companies with a leadership team and staff who are well-rested, happy and believe their goals can be achieved in a reasonable amount of time are more trusted and respected. Not to mention, studies show they perform at higher levels, too. If you want to look like a stable company on a sustainable growth track, getting the job done in less time is the way to do it.


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