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Afraid to Be Different?
Remember two words to give you the courage to say what needs to be said

By Justin Bariso / © 2023 Inc., Mansueto Ventures LLC. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.



Let me tell you about Frank.

  I worked with Frank for several years and he’s someone you might describe as “disagreeable.” Frank was kind, but he was also quick to speak his mind and voice his opinion, especially when he thought something wasn’t right. He wasn’t afraid to rock the boat, if he thought doing so would lead to keeping the boat from sinking.

  At times, Frank rubbed others the wrong way. Some misunderstood his intent. But most appreciated him for keeping it real.

  The reason for this has to do with a simple, two-word phrase for what most teams and businesses need a lot more of: healthy disagreement.

  What exactly is healthy disagreement? Why can it be difficult to achieve? And how can you display it at work and at home? The answers to these questions are rooted in the study of emotional intelligence, the ability to understand and manage emotions.


The value of being disagreeable

  Healthy disagreement is the ability to openly, honestly and respectfully present an opposing opinion, instead of simply going along with what’s presented. A culture of healthy disagreement improves the quality of a team’s work by exposing flaws in singular ways of thinking. Healthy disagreement also promotes innovation and helps teams avoid groupthink.

  To keep disagreement healthy, teammates must remain respectful. Without mutual respect, disagreement can easily become toxic and devolve into personal attacks, destroying the culture of a team or the atmosphere in a home.

  Why is healthy disagreement difficult to achieve?

  Healthy disagreement can be difficult to achieve for two reasons.

  The first is that some people have personalities that are simply more agreeable. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing; highly agreeable people typically display a high degree of empathy and are natural peacekeepers.

  But taken too far, agreeableness can also become a weakness. It can tempt you to say things you don’t really mean or to resist speaking up when needed, like when it comes to giving constructive criticism. This can prove toxic in the long run.


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