If you use VLC player can’t watch Topic Talks, you can install
Windows Media Player HTML5 Extension for Chrome to try again.
To listen to our programs you first need to have Windows Media Player installed on your computer. If you don't already have a copy of Windows Media Player, click here to download the newest version.
If you are using Mac OS X, click here to download Windows Media Components for QuickTime.
When too many people try to connect through the same Internet site at the same time, network congestion happens. You may also be accessing our site from a location that has a slow connection to the Internet. Since neither of these problems are in your control or our control to fix, we can only suggest you be patient and try to listen again at another time.
The size of an MP3 file is simply too large to put on our website. Each MP3 file for a single 30-minute lesson is more than 10 megabytes (MB). Such large files cannot be easily downloaded on most computers. Trying to download these file could take several hours without successful results or could even cause your computer to crash.
Broken links are rare on our site, but they do happen. If you cannot access a page, please send a message to webmaster@StudioClassroom.com . If convenient, send us the URL of the page you tried to access. We will fix the error as soon as possible.
Sorry, our radio programs are only available for the current calendar week. If you are looking for copies of old radio programs, you can purchase our MP3s or CD audio discs. E-mail service@StudioClassroom.com to order your copies today!
NOTE: If you still need assistance with another technical problem, please send your technical questions to webmaster@StudioClassroom.com